”地球温暖化防止活動環境大臣表彰:過去受賞者インタビュー” が


   下記URLから:過去受賞者インタビュー:気候変動アクション環境大臣表彰:環境省 (env.go.jp)







 「地球温暖化を解決し緑の地球を復活する具体的かつ実行可能な新技術の世界展開」と題する活動です。         http://www.env.go.jp/press/104783.html








Save the Earth with "SOMRE and VED", medicines for the earth. 

The smallest company has the biggest dream in the world.



 黄砂(PM2.5), 食料危機, 地球温暖化を止める, 具体的かつ実行可能な技術:安全な有機化合物、


  SOMRE and VED (nonanoyltryptamine): Concrete and Viable NewTwo Techniques for Stopping Food Shortage, 

Yellow Sand and Global Warming. Aerial scatter of SOMRE treated native plant seeds at Gobi desert was carried out

aiming at  making deserts full of plants. VED containing cosmetics improve bald and aged spots.


 ソムレを用いた、インドでの食料増産プロジェクトの結果を、下記に公表します(粟野氏, Dr. Mishra他多くの協力者のご支援に感謝します)




Naik, K., Mishra, S., Somei, M., Awano, R., Srichandan, H., Singh, P. K., Mohapatra, T., and Soren, J. P., 2020: Effect of a root growth promoter on selected crops grown in India, Plant Physiology Reports, 25, 284-297.







            0.1 ppm ソムレ液処理の場合——6,833.36 Kg/1 ha (134%)

            1.0 ppm ソムレ液処理の場合——6,510.70 Kg/1 ha (127%)

             対照(インドの通常水処理) ——  5,100 Kg/1 ha (100%)


             通常の米、豊作の場合  ——————    6,000 Kg/ 1 ha
             ブランド米、アキタコマチ————— 3,900〜4,500 Kg/ 1 ha
             ブランド米,コシヒカリ   ————— 4,200 Kg/ 1 ha

                      出典: http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1212594917



             (Abstract of the 85th Annual Meeting of National Academy of  Science, India (NASI))

             Effect of SOMRE on the yield and well-being of few selected agricultural crops

Snehasish Mishra1, Manasori Somei2, Kalyani Nayak1, Ryoji Awano3, Tanmaya K Mohapatra3, Sanjay K Ojha1

1Bioenergy & Bioprocess Lab & BDTC Biogas development and training center, School of Biotechnology, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 751024

2 Prof. Emeritus, Noto Marine Laboratory, Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology, Kanazawa University, 56-7 Matsuhidai, Matsudo, Chiba 270-2214, Japan

3 Global Marketing Association Co., Ltd, 8F ASTEM Bldg., 134 Chudoji Minamimachi, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-city, KYOTO 6008813 JAPAN

The biochemical nano-formulation, SOMRE, is a root growth promoter claimed to enhance root growth, cell division and cell differentiation positively, affecting the plant growth directly, thereby enhancing the productivity, as claimed and demonstrated in the ‘Greening of the Gobi Desert’. The objective of the present study was to evaluate its effect on various crops, viz., Rice, Sun flower, Okra, Green gram, Black gram and Amaranthus, in Indian agroclimatic condirion under controlled (trial) conditions. The effects on the crops were recorded by evaluating various growth and well-being (phytological, physicochemical, and microbiological) parameters using SOMRE at two different doses, i.e., 0.1 ppm and 1.0 ppm. The comparative productivity/yield of between 0.1 ppm, 1.0 ppm and the control under the trial respectively were, rice: 6833.36 kg/ha, 6510.70 kg/ha and 5100 kg/ha; black gram: 600 kg/ha, 565 kg/ha and 530 kg/ha; Sunflower: 1700 kg/ha, 1620 kg/ha and 1390 kg/ha; Okra: 9150 kg/ha, 8900 kg/ha and 8760 kg/ha; and Amaranthus: 18533 kg/ha, 16666 kg/ha and 14666 kg/ha. The relative productivities in 0.1 ppm
showed better yield as compared to 1.0 ppm. Thus, it was evident that the SOMRE (an indole derivative) seed-treatment formulation has a potential to enhance agricultural productivity, and was suitable for Odisha soil in particular and Indian soil in general at a recommended level of 0.1 ppm



ゴビ砂漠流動砂丘にソムレ液処理苗木2,700本植林、      自然条件下放置
ゴビ砂漠流動砂丘にソムレ液処理苗木2,700本植林、      自然条件下放置


PDFファイル 1.6 MB



1.  3 分  解  説





















染井正徳、Heterocycles, 82(No.2), 1007-1027 (2011) 。 

  URL: http://dspace.lib.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2297/27760/1/PH-PR-SOMEI-M-1007.pdf






 http://someiyakko.jimdo.com/ をご覧ください。

シミ、育毛、創傷治療、ヤギ繁殖、食肉生産、ED治療については、見出し 13 をご覧ください。


              1.  3 Minutes Overview

Air plane scattering of SOMRE-treated-seeds to flow dune of Gobi desert was carried out.


     Global warming stops if we could return the earth to the natural environment 300 years ago when it was rich in plants.


    How can we realize it? We have a concrete and viable technique. It is SOMRE! 


●-1: SOMRE is an organic compound and plant root promoter developed by us. We make the earth full of plant by combating desertification with SOMRE. There exist moisture in the depth of about 50 cm (in the case of Gobi desert) even in the desert. The plants can survive even in a hot desert if their roots could reach to the moisture part by helping plant roots to grow two to three times longer than the original length by the treatment with SOMRE. Then, the surface of the desert denuded of vegetation is covered with plants resulting in stopping generation of yellow sand. Thereafter, the surface temperature falls, and the cloud is called. Before long a lot of rain returns to the desert. The plant grows thickly, and a large amount of carbon dioxides, major greenhouse effect gas, are absorbed. As a result, global warming stops.

●-2: The root is the most important for the plant. If the root is healthy and strong enough with SOMRE, an underground mineral and nutrients are absorbed into the plant and sent to the above-ground part. The plant grows up energetically and bears delicious fruits.

●-3: If the thickness and the length of eating root and tuberous root are doubled by SOMRE, the production of botanical food (volume) increases by a factor of eight, and can prevent the shortage and famine of the food that will be worried about in the near future.

●-4: SOMRE compounds draw out and make active the ability in the plant to develop the root. Because the length of the root of the desert native vegetation is tripled, the desert revegetation is possible.

●-5: On June 20, 2010, we have carried out airplane scattering of the native plants' seeds pretreated with SOMRE#1 to wide range of flow dune in Gobi desert (this technique is far better than that of planting trees to holes made by man power).


     If the SOMRE compound is employed world wide, plants revive not only in the desert but also in the bare land and bald mountain, etc. If a dress of green plants is returned to the earth, the generation of yellow sand, famine, and global warming stops without fail in the future.


    Let's do something good with a dream. We, human being, must not monopolize the earth. We prosper mutually with all of the coexisting living things by making the earth full of green. 


Our following review about SOMRE :

Indole chemistry for combating yellow sand and desertification directed towards stopping global warming, Heterocycles, 82(2), 1007-1027 (2011) can be downloaded from the following URL:


